This 18×24 inch poster works great with the Spirit Life Training book
To go along with Spirit Life Training, we have created a brand new Goals Calendar Poster. This attractive glossy poster measures 18×24 inches and contains a 70 day calendar where you can record goals and results for each day/week. After you have read Spirit Life Training, and have gone through the study guide in the book- this is a great chance to make a visual mosaic of what you now can accomplish. Each week you will be able to focus on one aspect of Spirit Life Training, and each day you will make one personal goal for that day concerning that weekly training focus. At the end of that day, (or later if the result will take time to show itself) you will be able to record that result. When you reach the end of the 70 days, you will be able to have 2 months worth of testimonies to be able to look back on and rejoice in! This resource will be valuable for a number of reasons-
First: it will provide a large visual to be able to help you keep accountable to persistent progress in your spiritual growth. “make the vision plain so he can run who reads it” (Hab.2:2)
Second: It is a momentum-builder. Each week will build upon the last one, and nothing is as encouraging and empowering as seeing bite-sized goals achieved day by day. At the same time, you are getting stronger and stronger as a result of the training!
Third: The process of writing goals and recording results helps cement in your mind the ground you have gained, and will always be an ‘Ebenezer’ when times get tough in the future. (1 Sam.7:11-13) “Look how God helped me before- we can do it again!”
Fourth: This completed visual will be a great boost in your personal confidence to believe God to accomplish goals, and a catalyst for great thankfulness to Him!
Fifth: It becomes an example to others- you see that if you can do it, you know others will be able to do it also. It causes you to become an encourager with a plan, rather than a discouraged critic with an excuse.
-NOW AVAILABLE ONLINE- To go along with the poster is a small guide that will give you some helpful hints of how you can use this poster most effectively in your training. Click HERE to download it!
Special price extended for the Holiday Season!!!! Each poster is only $5- limited time only!
Click below for the special!