Some people have requested the ability to download the messages as mp3s- and so we do now have this available. Please scroll over the ‘ CDs/Mp3 messages’ link on the above menu bar and look through the list to see a more full description for each of these messages.
Process of Truth in BreakThrough Believers
Righteousness, Effectiveness, Fervency- Prototype Operational Principles of the New Creation
The New Covenant and the Trap of Old Covenant Concepts and Words
Building in the Spirit Exercises mp3 set
Emotions-The Catalyst for Destiny or Disaster
How to Strengthen Yourself in the Lord
Creating a Culture that makes a Demand on the Gifts of God
If there are any PowerPoint presentations or notes that go with any of the above messages, they are included within the download (as a complete zipped file) for a bonus help for further study/application.