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Praise and God

I realize that this may seem to be an uninspired title, but the content is amazing. In our Spirit Life Training, understanding the importance of the concept of Praise cannot be overstated. It is one of the primary exercises in building a Strong Spirit, and that is for good reason.

Knowledge of Praise, and Knowledge of God go hand in hand. They honestly cannot be separated. To truly know God is to explode in praise toward Him. People who think praise is dull, just do not know God. Period. Praise draws out the atmosphere of Heaven into earth. It aligns all of creation to its Creator. Inspiring praise to God is one of the greatest purposes of creation. It creates a spiritual energy and strength in the believer, and clarifies situations to start coming into line with the Will of God, or for you to see how to work the Will of God in those situations.

There is so much to say on this topic, and I felt it was necessary to teach/preach a bit on this, as unfortunately, very few churches or pastor minister on the importance, position, power and practice of praise in the believer’s life. If you are unsure if praise has a strong place in your life or not- and you want to get a fresh inspiration on WHO GOD IS and what Praise can do- this message will definitely help you!

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Praise and God

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One Response to "Praise and God"

    Jul 10, 2019 - 6:48 am

    I love hearing the word of God. I am a christian with passion with anything about God


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