I realize that this may seem to be an uninspired title, but the content is amazing. In our Spirit Life Training, understanding the importance of the concept of Praise cannot be overstated. It is one of the primary exercises in building a Strong Spirit, and that is for good reason. …Read More
Creating a Culture that Makes a Demand on the Gifts of God
Even though ‘we walk by faith, and not by sight,’ this doesn’t mean that we are completely blind. In fact, the opposite is true. We are able to see clearer than we ever have. We MUST SEE BETTER than we ever have! Jesus came to make the blind SEE- and …Read More
How to Strengthen Yourself in the Lord
You are going to have to do it. There are times in everyone’s life when you are going to need to know how to pull up the strength of God and resource yourself with the wellspring of life that God has made available to us. It is wonderful to have …Read More
Samson Reloaded
The story of Samson is an amazing tale. Truly the original comic book hero- smashing through hordes of Philistines- saving his people from their evil clutches- the stereotypical misunderstood hero with a God-given mission. However, in many churches when this story is preached, it is preached as a story with …Read More
Power of the Voice
“Beloved, your soul will never demonstrate the power of God in any appreciable degree until your soul conceives and understands the real vision of the Christ of God, whereby He knew that through His union with the living God. His soul became the creative power through which He took possession …Read More
Mp3 audio messages available
Some people have requested the ability to download the messages as mp3s- and so we do now have this available. Please scroll over and click each title below to see a more full description for each of these messages. Process of Truth in BreakThrough Believers Being a BreakThrough Believer The …Read More
Mp3 audio messages available
Some people have requested the ability to download the messages as mp3s- and so we do now have this available. Please scroll over and click each title below to see a more full description for each of these messages. Process of Truth in BreakThrough Believers Being a BreakThrough Believer The Man …Read More
Emotions- Catalyst for Destiny or Disaster
One aspect of Spirit Life Training that a number of people have found very helpful is the section on training the emotions. Most people have no idea how sensitive the emotions are to spiritual stimulus. They can be like leaves in the wind- whipped up by any gust of …Read More
The New Creation and the Trap of Old Covenant Words and Concepts
Words are important. Jesus said that ‘by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned.’ This is especially true in terms of one’s salvation. In Romans 10:9 it says that one must believe in heart that Christ was raised from the dead AND confess …Read More
In the Building a Strong Spirit chapter of the ‘Spirit Life Training’ book, I taught about the importance of praying in tongues and how unique it is as an activity to ‘build up’ the recreated spirit. Many of the exercises contained in the book deal with disciplines of the body …Read More